Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Im such a Procrastinator!

So again I have to many pics built up for one post.  I procrastinate so bad, but Im working on it.  Our lives haven't been to exciting lately due to ugly weather and colds yet again.

So a couple of weeks ago, it was a rainy day like usual and Tracyn and I needed something new to do.  So we decided to make rock people.  We looked for cool shaped rocks out in the rain and wind and froze in our jammies.
We had lots of fun painting and Tracyn didn't cover himself like usual.  So glad!

It was lots of fun for something different.

I took these ones after church one day, I love dressing Jaydis up.

She was very impatient with the camera that day.

She is finally big enough that she climbs everywhere.  I'm debating whether to change her nickname from bug to monkey.

She didn't scream or cry just wimpered a little while I laughed and took pictures. :-)

This is what happens when you can't find Tracyn and he is being extra quiet.

He is such a stinker!

For now on I hope to updated this thing weekly instead of every couple.